Reinventing the Walrus Stroll. A poem.

Reinventing the Walrus Stroll

Rare oceans wait in witless pages for the bold

How few dreamers dare the ocean slate

Absurd! Absurd, they teared in hate

I never saw them straight. So when I was told rare oceans wait

I embarked to the break, grabbled my mind in the water's roll

How few dreamers dare the ocean slate

Plumbed its purple depth and ate tenacity bubbles in bulk and bought my soul

Rare oceans wait

for worded writers to sink straight into the immortal abyss of bluey-gold

How few dreamers dare the ocean slate

Attack! Attack and mate, and reinvent the walrus stroll

Rare oceans wait

How few dreamers dare the ocean slate


Jeremy Allen Florida 1998, revised 2013


Women dressed as men so they could be soldiers in the Civil War


Grandma's Guest Room