Photographers Herb Snitzer and Melissa Lyttle at the Carousel No. 2
The great jazz and documentary photographer Herb Snitzer at The Studio@620 Wednesday night May 29th, 2013. After Herb's presentation he was kind to spend a few minutes chatting with me and my friends and fellow photographers Joseph Gamble and Chris Odom. Here, Herb is imitating the stare Miles Davis once cast in Herb's direction when Davis, during a live performance, turned to face the rear of the stage and noticed Herb back there taking pictures. Davis had made clear only moments before that no photographers were to shoot from back stage. As Herb role played this story for me Wednesday night I could not resist raising my camera and for a moment becoming the pesky photographer that Herb was to Davis.
The great jazz and documentary photographer Herb Snitzer during Carousel No. 2 at The Studio@620 Wednesday night May 29th, 2013. After Herb's presentation he was kind to spend a few minutes chatting with me and my friends and fellow photographers Joseph Gamble and Chris Odom. Here, Herb is imitating the stare Miles Davis once cast in Herb's direction when Davis, during a live performance, turned to face the rear of the stage and noticed Herb back there taking pictures. Davis had made clear only moments before that no photographers were to shoot from back stage. As Herb relived this story for me Wednesday night I could not resist raising my camera and for a moment becoming the pesky photographer that Herb was to Davis.
Tampa Bay Times photographer Melissa Lyttle presented an impassioned and compelling set of documentary images during Carousel No. 2 at The Studio@620 on Wednesday night May 29th, 2013. Her images portrayed the misfortune that life deals to the young people of our communities and the adults who struggle to bring relief.
Tampa Bay Times photographer Melissa Lyttle, here seated on the front row, presented an impassioned and compelling set of documentary images. Her images portrayed the misfortune that life deals to the young people of our communities and the adults who struggle to bring relief.
The Carousel is an interactive photography event held periodically in Tampa and St. Pete. Think but in the real world with breathing humans. Connect with Carousel on Facebook to find out when the next event will take place. Although Herb and Melissa were my favorite photographers of the night, these other great photographers also presented: Matt May, Brian Blanco, Eric and Jensen Larson, Joe Walles, and Bob Croslin presented the work of Lexey Swall who could not attend.